Maternal and Neonatal Health

Maternal and neonatal external information In Bangladesh, 173 maternal deaths occur every 100,000 live births and around 14 mothers die everyday due to complications during pregnancy. The 3 main causes of these deaths are:

  1. Eclampsia,
  2. Haemorrhage
  3. Obstructed or delayed deliveries.

Furthermore, Bangladesh's projected infant mortality rate in 2022 is 22.614 deaths per 1000 live births.

The prime reason behind these deaths is the lack of awareness and facilities present among the public.

According to a survey done, the maternal mortality rate (per 100000 lives birth) and Neonatal mortality rate (per 1000 lives birth) in India is 97 and 27.695 and in Bangladesh is 173 and 22.614.

To control this rate a continuous pregnancy monitoring system which aims to lower maternal and neonatal mortality rates in Bangladesh through generating mass awareness, creating easy communicating networks between soon-to-be mothers and healthcare officials, tracking of the mothers condition and ensuring a safe delivery can be introduced.

The system will work in the following five steps:

  1. General Information Distribution module: Publicly building awareness about Maternal and Neonatal risks and precautions
  2. Registration and Appointment module: Registrations and keeping track using our Unique Application and website
  3. Continuous IoMT monitoring module: Identifying High Risk Pregnancies and providing them with devices
  4. Birth Assistance Module: Provide Information about nearest clinics, nurse assistance and transportation
  5. Postpartum monitoring : Keeping tracks of the newborns and mother

Awareness has to be created among the expected mothers, their husbands, the other family members, doctors and the midwives. Awareness has to be built about:

  • Healthy pregnancies

  • High Risk Factors

  • Healthy Food Habits

  • Usage of Devices

  • Educate about infectious diseases of newborn

  • Knowledge about vaccination

It is really hard to create awareness in the rural areas but through the following ways awareness can be created among people:
  • Campaigns

  • Application

  • Websites

  • Sessions through doctors and skilled attendants

  • Phone number, SMS or any other messaging platforms

For the continuous IoMT monitoring identifying mothers with high risks they can be provided with devices like :
  • BP machine

  • ICP

  • Weighing machine

  • Pregnancy Belt

  • ECG machine

  • Spirometer Machine

can be helped. Scheduled visits can be arranged for them.  
For the Birth Assistance Module, it will provide information about nearest clinics and hospitals, nurse attendants and about transportation. And the facilities provided will be free transportation, articles related to labor and contact numbers of doctors and attendants. 
For postpartum monitoring:
  • For New born babiesKeeping track of first 28 days, identify possibilities of high risk factors and modifications for the high risk babies
  • For mothers: Amount of bleeding, Blood Pressure, heart Rate and healthy approaches to cesarean 
Many companies are already working on the problem and providing services for solving it. Such as: 
  • Nationwide researches and campaigns held 

  • BRAC deployed Community Health Workers (CHW) and  Community Skilled Birth Attendant (CSBA) to Rural areas for reducing maternal and neonatal mortality rate

  • BRAC reached around 25 million people living in rural areas of 14 districts

  • Provides services all over the nation

  • Community health worker-based family planning program by ICDDRB

  • Experienced and Renowned 

  • Training programs set to make skilled birth attendants

For more information:
