The Pursuit of Happyness: Left out by the fate , but picked out by the time

 The Pursuit of Happyness: Left out by fate, but picked out by the time

“The world is your oyster. It's up to you to find the pearls”

                                                                      -Chris Gardner-

What is happiness? Why do we always run after happiness? Maybe it's the most important thing in the world. Or maybe it's the medicine to cure all of our pain. Whatever it might be, it has a massive influence on our life. We have been running after happiness for most of our life. But happiness doesn't stay forever. It's not the same for everyone. Someone's fortune is somebody else's misfortune. The Pursuit of Happyness gives us a brief idea about the happiness of our life.

The Pursuit of Happyness is a biographical movie inspired by the life of an entrepreneur Mr Christopher Gardner who at one phase was homeless with his toddler son. He never gave up when life constantly strikes him down. He was always optimistic about his life and used to believe that good time comes. 

Film interpretation:

This movie was portrayed in a narrative style. Here the life story of Christopher Gardner was narrated through six phases. Every phase is started saying, "This part of my life is called.....

Each phase teaches us different lessons in life.

1. Riding the bus:

This phase indicates the initial difficulties faced by Chris. He realised that his sales job wasn't good enough to meet his daily needs and his utility bills were due. In this phase, he met a stockbroker name ' Jay Twizzle ' and realized that he may pursue happiness if he becomes a stockbroker. As the stockbroker was financially solvent and happy with his job, he decided to become a stockbroker keeping his family just on the verge of separating. This is how Chris showed us that we should find inspiration in somebody else's success instead of envying it.

2. Being stupid:

Everything was out of hand. He kept on falling. It was very tough to imagine a situation like that. He lost one of his bone scanners to a lady on the street while he was in a meeting with Jay twizzle. On one hand, he didn't have any job and on the other hand, he lost one of his precious scanners. The scenario cant is described in words. But still, he didn't lose hope. He tried again to fix the mess. This phase of this movie gives us the message that it is never too late to start again. One shouldn't let his past determines his future and destroys his present.

3. Running:

‘Don’t ever let someone tell you that you can’t do something.’

This conversation between father and son sounds more like a message to himself than to his son. He was devastated. He was broken. Literally, there was not a single thing with him. He imagined himself running. Running from all the problems of life to grab that shot since he knew he only had one. He accepted the internship offer against all odds. There were moments when he was devastated, but he decided to devote himself to his dreams. This teaches us that if we want to achieve something truly then no excuse can stop us.

4. Internship:

This part of life was underrated and unappreciated. He was continuously knocked off. He was trying his best to perform his duty. But fate wasn't with him. When he started to make good sales, he lost all of his bank balance to tax fines as a penalty. He was broken and got kicked out of his apartment with his 5-year-old son. From then they were constantly on the move. Even after all of this, he remained intact. He was persistent and determined to change his destiny. He never gave up on his dreams no matter what.

5. Happiness:

“And this little part at the end is happiness.”

Even after all the odds, Chris was chosen to be the permanent staff at Dean Witter Reynolds. He did not look for happiness in everything he did. If he had done that, he would never get a story the way he has now. In spite of losing everything, he didn't lose one thing. It was his son, who helped him to keep his hope. So if we want to climb a mountain, we shouldn't ask the Lord to remove it. Rather, we should ask Him to give us enough strength to overcome it. And then we will be able to feel true happiness.

The Pursuit of Happyness is a movie that could inspire people. If someone thinks that, life is unfair. Then this movie is strongly recommended. It motivates us to fight even after thinking that life is ungrateful. This movie tells us how men like Chris Garden, could survive and get out of the darkness after facing all the unbearable obstacles. We may be in darkness, or we may be in a disaster. But we have to believe in ourselves. We have to keep faith in ourselves that we can do anything. In my opinion, Happiness is all about what we believe. If we can believe that, we can achieve happiness. Then no one can stop us. And Happiness will be in our hands
